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Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers)


Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers) ? ? ? ?

The journalist and PR consultant Lekan Fatoda filed a suit for defamation against Sowor Omoyelem, publisher of the Sahara Reporters.   In a lawsuit filed at High Court Ikeja with ID number ADR / 492/2017, Fatodu, who is claiming damages of $ 100 million, Sakura Omoyele, Sahara Reporters Media Foundation and online Sahara Reporters are accused.   The claimant said in a court document that the Sahara Reporters claim that he and his company Leeman Communications Ltd used by former minister Femi Fani-Kayode to launder N1.7 billion that was part of the controversial Dasuki arms funds seriously damaged his heavily earned name and caused serious damaging his reputation and at the same time leading to the loss of businesses and clients.

Novinář a PR konzultant Lekan Fatodu podal žalobu na hanobení proti Soworovi Omoyelemu, vydavateli Sahara Reporters.   V žalobě podané na vysokém soudu Ikeja s identifikačním číslem ADR / 492/2017, Fatodu, který má nárok na náhradu škody ve výši 100 milionů dolarů, jmenuje Sowore Omoyele, Sahara Reporters Media Foundation a online publikující Sahara Reporters jako obviněné.   Žadatel v soudním dokumentu uvedl, že publikace Sahara Reporters tvrdí, že on a jeho společnost Leeman Communications Ltd použil bývalý ministr Femi Fani-Kayode k praní N1,7 miliardy, která byla součástí kontroverzního Dasuki zbrojní fondy vážně poškodily jeho těžce vydělané jméno a způsobily vážné poškození jeho pověsti a zároveň vedly ke ztrátě podniků a klientů. 

Fatodu vowing to pursue the case to the end says 'I am committed to following this matter to a favourable conclusion and getting justice which will be used as a strong warning to vicious blackmailers who parade themselves as online publishers and journalists. My case against Sowore and Sahara Reporters is peculiar because I am an ordinary citizen; not the usual public official who can easily be blackmailed into silence by Sowore using the online platform. But my concern is really for potential innocent victims of this criminality who may not have the guts to publicly defend and pursue a legal action in similar instances'.

He continued to say, 'therefore I have started an advocacy against fake news which began in June with the first anti-fake news and anti-blackmail protest in Nigeria which was held in front of Sahara Reporters' Lagos office. And that has been followed with development of a good communication channel and skill service to help victims raise their issues and embolden them to stay strong in fighting their cases.”  
Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers) ? ? ? ?
Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers) ? ? ? ?
Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers) ? ? ? ?
Lekan Fatodu sues Sahara Reporters publisher, Sowore for N100 million (Court Papers) ? ? ? ?

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