South African actress and TV host, Khanyi Mbau went to the knife and spent R95,000 (N2.5M) on breast augmentation, liposuction and breast surgery reduction, showed her fans part of the procedure on television on Wednesday night. During their entertainment and life show, The Scoop, the media personality shared part of the operation with fans, where they saw a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Mark Steinmann and other doctors who tagged and injected their body into the preparation for the procedure. Khanyi, who is no stranger to cosmetic surgery, has obviously had implants on the breast and has done a skin cleansing treatment. In July, he was distracted by angry South Africans after defending his plastic surgery procedures while referring to some quotes allegedly from the Bible.
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South African actress and TV host, Khanyi Mbau went to the knife and spent R95,000 (N2.5M) on breast augmentation, liposuction and breast surgery reduction, showed her fans part of the procedure on television on Wednesday night. During their entertainment and life show, The Scoop, the media personality shared part of the operation with fans, where they saw a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Mark Steinmann and other doctors who tagged and injected their body into the preparation for the procedure. Khanyi, who is no stranger to cosmetic surgery, has obviously had implants on the breast and has done a skin cleansing treatment. In July, he was distracted by angry South Africans after defending his plastic surgery procedures while referring to some quotes allegedly from the Bible.
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