There is no news that men, or some married men, are cheating on their women. Facebook user, Anulika Nahnah Obiefuna, as stated the reason for this ... Women are guilty.See what she wrote below...
There is no news that men, or some married men, are cheating on their women. Facebook user, Anulika Nahnah Obiefuna, as stated the reason for this ... Women are guilty.See what she wrote below...
"The reason why men cheat is simple.Once he gets married to you, then you stop 'slaying' You turn to a sack of beans and start using ugly wrappers to cover your commodities.And start screwing with 'mommy and daddy' style. What happened to all those things he saw when he met you that made him wife you? Wear panties occasionally around the house. Red or black panties re nice. Be your husband's slut. It's you and him till both of you get old. All these women should stop turning to Virgin Mary once he puts a ring on it. Thats how your husbands keep eyeballing fine girls like us and promising us trips to Dubai.
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