Actress Candice Bergen has just shared the story when she went blindly with US President Donald Trump. In an interview with Harry Connick Jr., she reminded her of the fateful night with Donald Trump many years ago, saying she was 18 at the time of her date. According to her, "He was a nice guy, I mean, he was, and I was in college, and went to college, it was a blind date, he called me to the dormitory," he explained. Bergen attended the University of Pennsylvania just like Trump, although he eventually left school to continue with modeling and acting career.
She continued to say, 'he picked me up. He was wearing a burgundy three-piece suit with burgundy patent leather boots, and he was in a burgundy limousine, so it was very color-coordinated. I was home by nine. It was a very short dinner. He was a good-looking guy. And a douche" she noted.
She added there was no physical contact between the two. Did You ❤ ❤ this post? DROP A C.O.M.M.E.N.T ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie
Actress Candice Bergen has just shared the story when she went blindly with US President Donald Trump. In an interview with Harry Connick Jr., she reminded her of the fateful night with Donald Trump many years ago, saying she was 18 at the time of her date. According to her, "He was a nice guy, I mean, he was, and I was in college, and went to college, it was a blind date, he called me to the dormitory," he explained. Bergen attended the University of Pennsylvania just like Trump, although he eventually left school to continue with modeling and acting career.
She continued to say, 'he picked me up. He was wearing a burgundy three-piece suit with burgundy patent leather boots, and he was in a burgundy limousine, so it was very color-coordinated. I was home by nine. It was a very short dinner. He was a good-looking guy. And a douche" she noted.
She added there was no physical contact between the two. Did You ❤ ❤ this post? DROP A C.O.M.M.E.N.T ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie