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I don’t Bleach my Skin, I lighten it – #SouthAfrican Khanyi Mbau


 Khanyi Mbau’s complexion getting lighter has been a major topic of discussion on various platforms in South Africa, Channel24 reports.

Fans believe that Khanyi has bleached her skin that is why she has grown so light but she says she hasn’t bleached. Taking to the newly launched South African live video streaming service VOOV Khanyi addressed the subject of her lightening.

On changing her skin tone, the South African Celebrity said:- 
“There’s this thing where people believe that I bleach my skin. I don’t bleach my skin‚ I lighten it. There is a difference between lightening and bleaching‚ and people just don’t get it.
Lightening is non-invasive‚ it also boosts your immune system and helps with anti-ageing…There is no side effect. All it does is make me lighter and it is like having loads of vitamin C‚ which means I don’t get the flu easily” .
I used to stress over people changing their skin tone but I’m also planning to get my boobs reduced someday. If I’m going to tell someone to accept their skin the way God made it, I should learn to accept my boobies the way God made them. So I can’t be pointing fingers. However I believe in owning up to whatever you do and not seeing the need to explain yourself to anyone or backing up your actions with science. Did You ❤ ❤ this post? DROP A C.O.M.M.E.N.T ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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