According to the 70-year-old iconic actor, most Igbos do not even speak their language again, while calling on Igbo leaders to seek ways to bring the people together.
“There are so many issues making me shed tears. One of them is that Igbo people are scattered. They are not in unity. “If you take a close look at the Igbo, you will realize that they cannot fight together. Look, it’s not struggle for anything that will bring Igbo people together.
“Have you noticed that only Igbo people pray before eating kola nut? Why I’m saying this is because it is only the culture of the Igbo that can unite them. “If you take a close look, you will also notice that in the whole of Nigeria, the Igbo people are the ones very mad about speaking English.
“A Hausa boy will not greet his father in English. A Yoruba person will not greet his/her father in English. “But Igbo person will say ‘good morning sir’ instead of his local greeting. It is painful that the Igbo language is receding and no one is doing anything about it.”
Watch the video interview below;
According to the 70-year-old iconic actor, most Igbos do not even speak their language again, while calling on Igbo leaders to seek ways to bring the people together.
“There are so many issues making me shed tears. One of them is that Igbo people are scattered. They are not in unity. “If you take a close look at the Igbo, you will realize that they cannot fight together. Look, it’s not struggle for anything that will bring Igbo people together.
“Have you noticed that only Igbo people pray before eating kola nut? Why I’m saying this is because it is only the culture of the Igbo that can unite them. “If you take a close look, you will also notice that in the whole of Nigeria, the Igbo people are the ones very mad about speaking English.
“A Hausa boy will not greet his father in English. A Yoruba person will not greet his/her father in English. “But Igbo person will say ‘good morning sir’ instead of his local greeting. It is painful that the Igbo language is receding and no one is doing anything about it.”
Watch the video interview below;
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