OAP Toolz is now pregnant for her pilot husband Tunde Demerun.
At Banky and Adesua's introduction, Toolz and her husband made the announcement.
She has explained why she made the announced at Banky W's wedding introduction:
She has explained why she made the announced at Banky W's wedding introduction:
'So on Saturday morning I was trying to figure out how to hide my bump with L'osban when @bankywellington says 'Why not just announce it today?...you can just post a pic of both of you saying #TreeADem. I'm like during your intro, won't that be much?
Anyhow much later I walk into the venue and 2 people looked me up and down and said congratulations - operation hide-the-bump failed.😩😩
So long story short, we quickly decided to take a pic and announce things our way."GIVE US TIPS GIST, GOSSIP COMMENTS ................. THOUGHTS? ... spill TEA.... gently Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie