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Show Your Face''- Freeze Tells Handler Of Fake Twitter Account

A fake twitter account holder versus OAP Daddy Freeze 

 1: I never collected anyone's wife from them, so I demand that you stop with immediate effect, your unfettered attempt to traduce my image and supplant it with a fungating delineation of my person!
2: Contrary to your benighted claim, I never impregnated any woman inside her husbands house.
3: I hereby DENY all your unlettered allegations and challenge you to show your self, in order for me to assist you, in making acquaintance of your own unhinged idiocy.
How dare you post my son's picture, you blistering lunatic! Leave my children out of your buffoonery and FACE ME, YOU COWARD!

GIVE US TIPS GIST, GOSSIP COMMENTS ................. THOUGHTS? ... spill TEA.... gently Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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