We MUST begin to mobilize for the good of this country; or
else most Nigerians go chop sand sand before this year end. So join us at www.ourmumudondo.org as
we lead the Revolution of the willing.
The Senate is not a friend of the
people; they are our enemies; Politicians are not friends they are our enemies
and the fight against the evil in our country that have bastardized our
Humanity must be fought with dedication, determination and desire by a willing
few to see real change.
All whistle blowers, whip out your whistles, its time to
make some noise. If the people will not rise up and fight Injustice; they will
never be served properly by politicians. I am ready to fight. I am ready to #OccupyNass;
I am Ready to hold the Line and get Nigerians to hold Senators and all people
in leadership position accountable.
My fear is not death; My fear is not the bullet that will
silence me; It is the inability of the suffering docile Nigerian to wake up
from their mental slavery, It is the inability of the Nigerian people to fight
for their rights; It is the Insanity of the evil demonic politicians who offer
nothing to the average Nigerian but use them as Political pawns that I am
afraid of.
JAIYEORIE READS COMMENTS ................. THOUGHTS? ... spill TEA.... gently Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie