Toolz has been called out by @Nelie_Whyte who thought it was decieving of Toolz to photoshop her photo before posting it on instagram.
@Nelie_Whyte who felt disappointed in Toolz took to twitter to speak her mind.
She wrote,
“Before you come in my mentions screaming foul, let me put you to rest. I’m nowhere near slim or like we like to sugarcoat it “thick”. I am a fat girl who has come to love her body the way it is at the moment.
I was one of those girls that saw “celebs” bodies and wanted mine to be like theirs. Seeing toolz work her body and dress it niceley gave girls on the bigger side confidence to work with their body rather than hate it.
Then when pictures like this pop up its almost like everything is a lie. I really don’t give 2hooks if she photoshops but….
She’s a public figure and whether she likes it or not there are people watching and emulating her. Therefore when pics like this pop up, it sends a bad message.
If you don’t like your body, work on it. But don’t claim thick and proud when you photoshop half of your pics to look “perfect.”
You photoshop yourself from a size 20 to a size 14 and you don’t want people to call you out, who are you deceiving.
Toolz is a plus-size beautiful lady. Them photoshop is unnecessary. tbh”
After her post on Twitter generated many reactions with some people insulting Toolz, she apologised and said her intention was not to body shame Toolz.