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I’ll love nesting in a new home - FLOTUS

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FLOTUS explained hope for life after the White House:
“I’m looking forward to life after, because there’s still so much to do, so much impact that we can have. But personally, I’ll love nesting in a new home. I’ll love the possibility that I can, like, walk my own dogs in the street, maybe a date night or two without snipers and an ambulance in our motorcade…”
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POTUS on post-Presidential life looks like saying:
“We’ve had these extraordinary experiences, and what a privilege that’s been. But you don’t realize the day-to-day stuff that is part of life and that you’ve missed. Something as simple as taking a walk and not having a big group of people around you, or being able to take a vacation and roam around without every single thing you’re doing being scrutinized—I think that will be a great pleasure…”

President Obama  hopes the next administration will carry on the initiatives they started like My Brother’s Keeper, Let’s Move, and Let Girls Learn, all of which indeed benefit black boys and girls in America.
 He added:
“…I can unequivocally say that America is better off now than we were when we came into office. By almost every economic measure, we’re better off,” President Obama said. “But having said that, we still have a lot of work to do.”

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