Based on all of our sources we believe the most credible sequence of events is that Maddox said something to Brad that pissed him off, Brad then lunged at his son, Angelina stepped in between them and at that point there was some physical contact between Brad and Maddox.
It appears Brad made contact with Maddox somewhere in the vicinity of the shoulder area. The biggest issue -- whether it was intentional or inadvertent. It's the job of prosecutors to prove it was intentional, and we're told that would be extremely difficult.
On top of that, we're told DCFS social workers saw no evidence of injuries on Maddox ... none.
It’s being reported it's Brad feared Angelina's parenting which isone of the biggest issues in their divorce.
Brad, we're told, was especially upset that Angelina had taken the kids to various war-torn countries, including Lebanon and Iraq. We're told Angelina would always make sure to bring a security team that was the best of the best on her trips ... but for Brad, it still wasn't enough.
We're told things got extremely tense when Brad and Angie argued over taking the kids to Syria to help rebuild the war torn country..
Our sources say Brad was always supportive of Jolie's solo charity work, but travels with the kids became a bone of contention for several years.