Opeyemi Aiyeola, on issues like child abuse and finding love.
On Child Abuse she had this to say:
”Let’s talk about something more touching…
Don’t get me wrong please?am not saying,trusting your family friend or neighbour with your kids is entirely wrong,but if we really have to be fair at looking at it much as trust is very needed in our society,you and I know it could be very risky and costly.
Child abuse has gone beyond just an African virus,but it is now a global worry,one that calls for quick and consistent close attention.
Funny enough,the rate at which a female child is typically molested,abused and worst still,raped is much more on the high side…
Much as we tend to ignore it,it has eventually become a scourge that is speedily eating deep into the world’s system.
Not as if a direct parent can’t or don’t usually scold there child,but such “molestation” isnt really molestation,but rather a sort of instinctual training at ensuring a child grows healthy with proper upbringing. What am saying is the percentage of the molestation coming from those we tend to put these kids in their care,are very much worrisome.
Painfully,these kids might be frightened never to disclose to anyone what type and kind of molestation been melted out at them,and it gets more worst because such bad thing usually take a while before it comes to the open.
No child is exempted, male or female,but it is just that,the average female is mostly at more risk than the male…
Those we trust most are those who are in the best capacity to break our heart the most…
Remember! you can never be wiser than the person targeting or watching to harm you,so you just have to be vigilant and very watchful.
They require our care and attention,love and concern.
May God continue to guide and protect us all,and these our children will live to remain our source of joy and comfort.
Good morning everyone…”
Speaking on those who are lucky and unlucky with finding love, she said:
”Not many of us are lucky at having good relationships,and of course not all of us are unlucky at having a bad relationship…
Its a beautiful thing to find true love,I mean to be in love,and it is such a wonderful feeling to be loved in return.
I usually tell people,especially those who had made up their mind that “there is nothing like true love,existing”… Once again I say it to you today,that Love is real,it exist and it will surely find you,if only you open up your heart to be truly loved.
Painfully,what I see most of us doing,much apologies to the women-folk is that,” majority of us go for the material things,not necessarily after the true heart who is ready to show to us,the true love.
Another thing is the fact,that the typical modern day woman isn’t that patient enough to sacrifice,and as well pass through the rough roads in the journey of relationship…
There and then,we hear of the popular saying “,emi osini surulere,Olorunsogo nimobalo”… Forgetting the fact that,nothing good comes easy…
To our men,I stand to correct the notion as well that all we women are the same,no we are not…majority of us wants to taste the true love,we open our heart to you guys,but you guys usually go for the looks,toy with our feelings,joke with our emotions,” take what you are after”,and then break our heart over and over again…tell me why i won’t do same to the innocent guy that comes my way?when obviously my good intention,my true feelings have been broken over and over again…
Anyway…bad as it has been…love stays the same,and true love never changes…
Love,the greatest gift of all…
To every good woman out there,I pray and wish you love…and to our,not that we women are that bad as it looks,of course we want to love,much as we desire to be truly loved…
Show us care?and right inside our heart,we would show you the true meaning of Love…
Mind you?this isn’t about sex,neither is it about money or material things…its about two different heart with same intention..and as we will be coming together,I am ready to bend for you,learn your rules,abide by your desires,show you that i truly care,be there for every time,much as I desire and expect same,and more.”