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Naturalista! Adaeze Yobo on the Issue of My Hair My Beauty Magazine @daisyyobo


Adaeze Daisy Yobo shines on the 2nd issue of My Hair, My Beauty Magazine!!!!!
Jaiyorie saw this mother of two in her Lagos residence on a morning stroll last week...Adaeze is bae...
She says about life after MBGN:
“A lot has changed, two kids, married, new life, different cities and a lot of growth spiritually, physically, mentally”.
Adaeze has been very open on social media, despite that frankness she’s not willing to share ALL of her life to everyone…
I never share my sex life. I think I’m very open with social media and it’s kinda like a very big part of my life. I enjoy it, can’t even deny it, I’ve realized that I’m actually obsessed with social media. I love social media, I’d share everything but my sex life.
Click to read  the full interview.

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