ThisDay Style gets a collectors item cover with Chude Jideonwo & Adebola Williams‘.These PR duo get their model goals on for Ty Bello .
DEBOLA WILLIAMS & CHUDE JIDEONWO : WISDOM Wisdom looks good on every one.. Even inferred wisdom . ..You know the one were the bible says a fool in silence maybe considered wise .. Well these men here don’t do silence… They fling forth wisdom ahead of their times and are relentless in pushing the fresh insights they’re given. It was an honour to spend the day with @chudeity and @debolalagos . Luckily it wasn’t a day spent over tweeking our brains … It was. Plenty of laughing .. Some worship in the corner here and there and my irresistibly urge to pinch Chude’s rosy cheeks ( Chude sorry ). In the end they left me inspired .. It’s surprisingly not just about them and their amazingness .. (Though..I must say these guys have all sorts of amazeballs coming effortlessly out their ears ..,) what I sensed instead was a genuine overdrive of to push the continent forward .truly honoured to photograph you
Photo Credit: Uberstyle , Tybello – Instagram