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Eat, Pray, Love for intending brides.... Adrienne Bailon

We...were heartbroken by the news that The Real Adrienne broke off her engagement jetted off to Europe and stayed in Paris.An “Eat, Pray, Love” moment of sorts, spending the remainder of the summer traveling around the world solo or with close friends (a trip to Honduras with best friend Julissa Bermudez), eventually returning toNY without her engagement ring.
Adrienne on her balcony in Paris
Adrienne on her balcony in Paris
Adrienne Bailon Eat Pray Love Cuba
Adrienne sipping a mojito and puffing a Cuban Cigar in none other than Cuba!
Adrienne Bailon Eat Pray Love Paradise Cove Malibu
Adrienne at Paradise Cove Malibu. She captioned the photo: “I crave a love so deep, that even the oceans would be jealous.”
Adrienne Bailon and Julissa Bermudez in Honduras
Adrienne and Best friend, media personality Julissa Bermudez, in Honduras.
She told the Real viewers:
My prayer has always been that even in the not so great moments, that you remind yourself that everything in life happens for a reason and hopefully it benefits someone else on their journey.  When they are going through hard times, maybe someone out there can relate and know that they are not alone.
A lot of you guys have been asking me, ‘Where is your ring? Are you still engaged?” And it was a hard decision for me to make.
This summer, I went on my little Eat, Pray, Love journey and it was a time for me to come in terms with my own truth and honesty. We are not engaged anymore. We are in a good place, it’s not an ‘awww’ thing, I promise you. We maintained that we will be great friends forever, and I think it was a hard decision to make when you are with someone for such a long time. As women we have a hard time with change, but you have to be true to yourself and you have to be honest with yourself, and having time on my own gave me that opportunity.
She also confirmed the news to People:
“I am, of course, sad that things didn’t go as we planned, but we still remain close friends. Six years is a long time to be together, but we had to make the decision to go with our hearts and not be embarrassed or afraid of change. He absolutely helped make me a better person and I will forever cherish the time we shared together.”

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