“As much as I would love to scream TGIF from the rooftop of this hospital ��, unfortunately I'm working 9am-10pm today, Saturday & Sunday �� and back to work again on Monday ��.
Even though I spend most of my days in the hospital, I try to remain
active by using the stairs and walking around a lot(& taking selfies
��). Well it's impossible not to stay active when your bleep keeps going off LOL.
I thought about how I was going to manage pregnancy with my surgical internship & didn't want to be labelled as 'the pregnant intern'. I wanted people to appreciate my hard work and not feel sorry for me �� So I hid the pregnancy until one weekend Baby S decided 'You can't keep me a secret again mum, I'm gonna show the whole world I'm in here' ���� I remember walking into the hospital the following week and how entertained I was by the looks on peoples faces like - 'How are you pregnant? You weren't pregnant last week' LOL���� So far, everyone in the hospital has been amazing, some nurses don't bleep me unless it's something I really need to do. And everyone asks all the time how I'm doing. The prejudice about being pregnant in the work place is mostly in our heads as women. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and every woman who is fortunate to go through it (in the right circumstances) should be proud of it and enjoy it ��❤️��❤️
So far I'm loving my working pregnancy journey and also looking forward to the few weeks I have to stop work before baby comes �� - That nursery needs to be decorated!! Have a good weekend people #TGIF #MedLife #Surgicalintern#GeneralSurgery #WorkingMumToBe#BabyS #PreggoLife ��������”
I thought about how I was going to manage pregnancy with my surgical internship & didn't want to be labelled as 'the pregnant intern'. I wanted people to appreciate my hard work and not feel sorry for me �� So I hid the pregnancy until one weekend Baby S decided 'You can't keep me a secret again mum, I'm gonna show the whole world I'm in here' ���� I remember walking into the hospital the following week and how entertained I was by the looks on peoples faces like - 'How are you pregnant? You weren't pregnant last week' LOL���� So far, everyone in the hospital has been amazing, some nurses don't bleep me unless it's something I really need to do. And everyone asks all the time how I'm doing. The prejudice about being pregnant in the work place is mostly in our heads as women. Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and every woman who is fortunate to go through it (in the right circumstances) should be proud of it and enjoy it ��❤️��❤️
So far I'm loving my working pregnancy journey and also looking forward to the few weeks I have to stop work before baby comes �� - That nursery needs to be decorated!! Have a good weekend people #TGIF #MedLife #Surgicalintern#GeneralSurgery #WorkingMumToBe#BabyS #PreggoLife ��������”