23 Days After Giving Birth, Liz John Black inspires how she got her Figure 8 Back #fitness #pregnancy @LizJohnBlack


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23 Days After Giving Birth, Liz John Black inspires how she got her Figure 8 Back #fitness #pregnancy @LizJohnBlack

Liz John Black took to instagram to inspire those in need of post baby bod
First things first: Before you get pregnant, try to have a firm tummy by doing Abs-workout, reason is, having a firm tummy maintains your skin's elasticity, so when it stretches during pregnancy, it can easily go back after your give birth.
Before, during and after pregnancy, rub real Shea-Butter and Cocoa oil on your tummy and back.

After pregnancy, find someone who can help you with this procedure; -Don't drink cold drinks after you give birth, drink more of hot drinks (tea, milk, pap, custard, etc) and room temperature water. -Boil water and pour in a deep bowl/ bucket, get a towel you can soak in the water and press on your tummy ( lower and upper abdomen, and your sides). Do this for 15mins -After the hot water press, while your tummy is still hot, massage RUBB(menthol) for 2mins till you feel the cooling sensation inside your tummy. -Bring out the Mint and Morigan leaves ( northerners use Dogo-yaro leaves) from warm water and place on your tummy to cover it all round, then wrap your tummy with cling film and carry for 5-8 hours. -Repeat this everyday or every other day as you can, for 2-3weeks or until you get desired results... I hope this can be helpful to those who need it.... Our brains are wired to find things we’re looking for – if you’re always cynical or waiting for things to go wrong, then your life will reflect that.

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