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1. Facial scrub: Get rid off dead skin cells and  blackheads with a simple mix of equal parts coconut oil and brown sugar.
2. Makeup remover. Using your hands or a washcloth, rub a little coconut oil onto your skin. Let sit for a minute and rinse off with warm water.
3. Lip gloss. Favorite tube of lipstick just about done? Scoop out the last bit of color with a Q-tip and combine with about a teaspoon of coconut oil in a new container, and you should have just enough for an extra swipe or two of lipstick.

4. Deodorant. The lauric acid in coconut oil  kills bacteria that causes your sweat to stink. 
 Be warned: This doesn't actually stop you from sweating,
5. To fake long lashes. While Dr. Ostad says nothing but FDA-approved medications (such as Latisse) can actually lengthen your eyelashes. Using a little bit of coconut oil on them can make them appear longer and fuller. Simply dab a little bit on with a Q-tip or cotton ball.
Culled from Cosmopolitan

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