Joe answered to a fan's query on the counsel he would give to West, who is now known as Ye, while he was sitting at the red table.
Just before responding to the query, Joe revealed that West had a surprise waiting for him in his hotel room as he was making his way to RTT.
“We talked for about an hour,” he shared. “I said ‘You know what Ye man, you do church. There’s no more powerful person than God. Sit down, talk to God.”
He added, “‘I said listen Ye, ‘There’s people that love you.” I told him just like this, I grabbed his shoulder, ‘God is telling me to tell you this.’ Bro, you gotta snap out of this. You gotta get focused and look to God. God is the answer, God is the key. Whatever you gotta do.”
Joe continued, “He just gotta make it right with himself, make it right with everybody he offended and [that] he hurt. And just live whatever life we have left in peace. That’s all we can pray for, that he finds that.”
“The only person that has an answer for Kanye right now is God.”
Elsewhere in the episode, Fat Joe refers to excerpts from his memoir The Book of Jose, where he reflects on his journey who was in the streets of the Bronx as a teenager, to winning The Showtime at the Apollo for four straight weeks before signing his first record deal, to being shot in front of his mother and more
Watch the full interview below, where Fat Joe also talks about his relationships with Ashanti and Lil Wayne.