A Christian woman, Kim Davis, could be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for failing to issue marriage licences to gay couples. She has been sued by four couples and also urged by Lawyers of the State of Kentucky to pay $225,000 as damages.
Report say Kim refused to issue licenses to gay couples despite the US supreme Court legalizing same sex marriages.
Her action, which she say is based on her Christian faith, landed her in jail for 5 days with heavy protest against her after she ignored court order.
An attorney of Kentucky State, Palmer Vance said:
Her action, which she say is based on her Christian faith, landed her in jail for 5 days with heavy protest against her after she ignored court order.
An attorney of Kentucky State, Palmer Vance said:
“Only Davis refused to comply with the law as was her obligation and as required by the oath of office she took.”Via an email, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, an advocacy group for LGBT+ rights, said:
“Kim Davis used her office to discriminate against LGBTQ people and push a personal, bigoted agenda – all on the government’s dime,” it said.... spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie