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Betty Irabor & Joy Isi Bewaji Talk About Laura Ikeji

Laura Ikeji Kanu is the younger sister of popular blogger, Linda Ikeji. In one of her Instagram post, she shared how she used to be a dance/aerobics instructor at a gym, as well as do private fitness classes .
She found Instagram, where she began to express herself, show her dance skills and her love for fashion.

She quit her job as a gym instructor and took Instagram seriously and there, she makes 100 times what she used to make from fitness. She soon opened a boutique Laura Ikeji Gang and recently launched her book, “How to make money on Instagram.”

Joy Isi Bewaji wrote;
Woman Crush Wednesday
I dont do this. But with Laura I’ll make an exception.
That lady works really hard.
Your soul would have to be the headquarters of Hate not to acknowledge this fact. Your mind would have to be coated with mud not to recognize it.
She works hard… so hard I am exhausted just looking at her endless row of projects. Her hard work brings forth rewards. It is what we all desire.
The canny commitment that must go into her entire business of branding self is art that should, if at all Nigerians have a habit of study, be assessed.
So she probably started out with a seed money from big sis. We all have had someone at some point invest some form of faith into our lives – parents, friends, acquaintances, lovers, bosses…
What did you do with yours? Not very much apparently.
Laura started out as Linda’s sister, now Laura is her own woman, her own business, her own victory.
She’s a ball of positive energy. I dont think I have observed anyone from an Instagram-distance who radiates as much optimism and upbeat vibe like Laura.
There’s not a shred of sarcasm, no odious ambition to sub, hurt or step on others. She’s like the cleanest glass of water.
The discipline to her body. Phew. You have to give it to her. Is her child even a year old yet? But she snapped that body back. It’s not luck, it’s work.
Her endorsements are endless. It is not for wits or smarts (which I do not take away from her at all), it is that incredible positive vibe that draws goodness towards her.
Remember when her sister-in-law verbally attacked her husband… ok. Laura gave no time for a counter-sub. What she did was up her selling game. There’s money to be made at every step of hate, mockery or love thrown at you.
She knows this. She practices it. And she wins at it.
Laura is incredibly alive! Every part of her being is eager to live. It’s incredible to watch. To conquer those small victories that stack up to bigger feats.
When she realised how cool it was to make money on Instagram, she didn’t come out to share the ten laws in John Maxwell’s book (*roll eyes). No.
She was very practical about her successes. She wrote a book about what she discovered on her way to breaking her own Instagram accomplishment.
I like Laura. And I don’t like a lot of people or alot of things. Truth is, I don’t even care for half the occasion that gets public attention. But Laura? I like her.
She loves herself. It shows. She is living the life she wants to live. She owns it. She is deliberate about it.
And she knows her boundaries.
I have never had to read her original opinion on anything. And that is ok. It is a terrible thing to water down your brand because you have to share opinions you have no (new) knowledge about. She stays away from that trap and focuses on her strengths – fashion, grit, selling machine, author, mother etc.
It’s ironic, you know? LindaIkeji TV is promoting many soon-to-air Reality Shows…
But the only reality show I would like to watch, for atleast a season, is one on Laura Ikeji.
I wanted a Toke Makinwa reality show last year, but I think I’ll rather put a garrote around my neck. The unbearable banality and pretension of it would kill me.
But Laura… there’s something genuine about what she is. It’s so genuine, it’s heartwarming.
Her happiness is the type that makes people uncomfortable. You know, you want to poke it to see if it is just hot air. Except hers is not a balloon, it is brick wall. You can’t poke something that has continuously proven to be its own salvation.
I see you, Laura. And I think she’s going to be very glad with her life when she’s old and weary rocking back and forth a chair, reminiscing on the life that was deliberately lived. And fully rewarded.

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