Meredith: We are back with Paula Patton and you went through a very public breakup with Robin Thicke and everybody wants to know how you're doing?
Paula: You know I’m doing really well. It’s been a long year and a lot of challenges but I’ve grown quite a bit and just getting used to change.
Meredith: That’s the hardest thing of all just accepting the new reality.
Paula: Absolutely it is and embrace it and just be thankful for everything I do have. I live in a place of gratitude and growing up in many ways I think, I moved from my parents house to moving in with Robin, and now I’m like becoming an adult at this old age. I’m really like a real woman now.
Meredith: Kids sometimes say things that really get to you and your son said something to you recently that I think a lot of working moms have had said to them and it’s a tough one. What did he say to you?
Paula: It is true. Really, I took a lot of time off to be with him and then I had to pack for a trip because I had to go to work and he said, 'Mommy I don’t want you to go to work.’ It’s the challenge of being a working mother and it’s the first time he ever said that to me because I did work when he was a baby but now he is more aware of everything, so what are you going to do? It’s sort of the trials and tribulations of being a woman. Right?
Meredith: After you said that and then walked away.
Paula: I cried. I called my mom and I cried and she said, ‘Darling, I had to work. We all hear that.’